Art among the decay. The hidden beauty of Port Talbot.

I took the opportunity for our group meet in Port Talbot to document the art and decay of our deprived town. We’re living in a town where the council doesn’t care about investment into the town centre, doesn’t care about is residents and are famously known as the council who stole Christmas (they won’t contribute to lights or festivities for their residents, or most importantly, the children who will grow up in the town). But that said, it has some beauty, which hopefully I show quite often, and I will show today.

The group wandered from Saint Mary’s Church in the centre of the town (and as an added bonus we managed to photograph inside the church) and wandered up Station Road to the area where the Infamous Banksy is on show near the railway station, up through to Taibach, following Port Talbots ArtWalk trail. While others concentrated on the art, I tried to capture the decay.

All images were taken on the Fujifilm X-T3 and XC15-45 lens. I needed the widest focal length I had, plus something very light, and this fitted the bill. It’s also extremely good in low light with its image stabilisation, which was handy in the church.

And there we have it. All images were cropped and any adjustments made in Photoscape X Pro. I also took the opportunity to capture as many HDR images as possible, but they will be kept for my upcoming HDR projects page.

Looking at these images after I had saved the draft and compiled all the text, I really think I captured how it felt to be there, and how it feels to be in Port Talbot town centre. I hope that if you’ve been here, then you will feel the same.

If you enjoyed, please like and comment. Thank you for your time! Mark

Published by Mark G Adams

Nikon Documentary Photographer, Creator, Tutor, YouTuber & Blogger. Capturing moments, sharing thoughts and ideas in images, reviews and more.

6 thoughts on “Art among the decay. The hidden beauty of Port Talbot.

  1. Great images that tell a story. Good few sets of tryptichs that could be made from these. Also, I agree with everything you said about the council. It’s disgusting the way they treat the people of this town.

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