
Welcome to “Darktable Simplified”, your one stop online resource for starting the free and open source raw editing program Darktable. This is an on-going project page to help you understand and learn Darktable quickly and easily. As well as plenty of simple to follow articles, there are also YouTube videos available. This page will be updated as time goes on, so if you have any questions, please contact us and we can get an article your way if it is not already featured.

Updated 19/02/23 in Trouble Shooting section, “Why do my files look underexposed in Darktable”

What is Darktable?

The chances are, if you are visiting this website, you know what Darktable is and why you are here. The latest version of Darktable and a full description of what it is can be found here. Reading this article first will help you understand what Darktable is and if you need to continue.

Getting started with Darktable.

The hardest part of Darktable is getting started. Many people can watch and read many articles and still struggle with Darktable. The following articles will get you working and creating beautiful images within minutes.

Quickly get a working image in Darktable
Making Darktables Quick Access Panel Much More Efficient With A Few Simple Changes!
Why you should invest time in learning Darktable
Editing made simple in Darktable. A video explanation

“Portra Skies”, a simple guide for a new fast technique for editing in Darktable

A simple to understand guide to getting great results quickly in Darktable
A follow up video to the one above, looking a bit more in detail at masking, highlight and shadow recovery and more
“Portra Skies” – A quick and easy guide to this new technique for stunning film-like skies.

DT Styles

Darktable styles are great to get you a starting point with Darktable. They can give you a desired style quickly, and this may include changing colours, adding contrast, adding borders and so much more!

A selection of Darktable Styles (Part 1)
A selection of Darktable Styles (Part 2)

Trouble shooting Darktable issues

Darktable is an amazing piece of software, but sometimes there are issues, or questions asked by users. This section takes a look at common issues and addresses how we can avoid them, what we should use or general advice on Darktable.

Why do my files look so underexposed in Darktable (Fujifilm and other cameras)
Should you use Filmic RGB, Sigmoid or neither?
Simply and quickly avoiding hue colour shifts with Darktables Filmic/Sigmoid modules

Second half of the video looks at recovering underexposed raw file and general editing.

Darktable ultimate resource and guide

If you need to know anything about Darktable, the ultimate Darktable resource and guide has everything you need. From the basics of getting an image into Darktable, editing an image, YouTube video links to the best creators on YouTube, websites that cater for Darktable and much more!

The ultimate Darktable resource and guide
Why Darktable is perfect for Fujifilm users

Images created in Darktable

I use Darktable almost exclusively, and many of the the more recent images on this website are created in Darktable, some with the aid of Gimp (a free image manipulation program similar to Photoshop). Here are just a few to give you some inspiration. These can all be found in the blogs in the Photo Blogs page.

Further information

The official Darktable website
Darktable on Facebook