The Best Way For Accurate Film Simulations With ANY Camera

Film simulations are a fun way of using your camera and there are huge communities who are addicted to using film simulations. However, most people think that it’s only Fujifilm cameras that have this ability, however in reality, every camera is capable of achieving the perfect film simulation.

It’s understandable that for some, the idea of a film simulation is to use your camera and take images without the need to ever edit them. However, in reality, most people will still move their images into editing software to do various tweaks, so as adjust the exposure, straighten the horizon or crop.

If you are in the group of people that never moves your images into an editor, then I’m glad you’re happy, but there will be a day when you realise that the way you’re doing things isn’t giving you the best images quality (and a day you wish you had your raw files to make your images look like they should).

So how do you achieve perfect film simulations each time? The simple answer is… Just shoot in raw.

It’s not a hard process and very, very quick if you need it to be. Simply load your raw image into a raw editor, click on “auto” to correct all your colours and exposure, tweak anything if needed and then add a preset or LUT.

That is it, a couple of seconds work, and better film simulations than you could ever wish for!

For the best resource on LUTs, Presets and much more, visit Open Source Photography’s wonderful website, with the largest collection of simulations on the planet!

Published by Mark G Adams

Nikon Documentary Photographer, Creator, Tutor, YouTuber & Blogger. Capturing moments, sharing thoughts and ideas in images, reviews and more.

5 thoughts on “The Best Way For Accurate Film Simulations With ANY Camera

  1. Hi Mark,
    Great article! Your point about “and a day you wish you had your raw files to make your images look like they should” is spot on. I couldn’t agree more. Unfortunately, many novice photographers don’t realize this yet, but they will eventually.

    Thank you for linking to my humble website, though calling my sim’s the best on the planet was a bit much I think 🙂 but thank you !
    I hope all is well with you and your family.

    Your recent photo shoots were spectacular!
    Best regards,

    Liked by 1 person

  2. One thing that is worth mentioning to non-users of imaging software is that a very good program totally without cost is PhotoScape X. While I have and have used a variety of software, this program is my current go-to device. Although free and does offer single image HDR it does not have one button Auto. However, the program is very functional on all aspects of image editing and also offers Text and Frames as well as a variety of other little bells and whistles. I have no skin in the business but as a retired pro photographer MPA over a 33 year period, I find the program excellent and would be good for any level of user. If there was enough interest, a sub category of this group might be worth persuing. MW

    Liked by 2 people

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